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Public Notice: Proposed Discontinuance and Sale of Road

12 Nov 2021

Moreland City Council, acting under section 206 and Schedule 10 Clause 3 of the Local Government Act 1989 and section 114 of the Local Government Act 2020 proposes to discontinue the road adjoining 222 Merri-bek Road, Brunswick which is shown hatched on the plan below

If discontinued, Council proposes to sell the land from the road to the owners of 222 Merri-bek Road, Brunswick by private treaty in accordance with its Rights of Way Associated Policies 2011 and Rights of Way Strategy 2011.

As part of its Community Engagement process Council is inviting submissions on the proposal.  Any person wishing to make a submission must do so in writing no later than 5.00 pm on Tuesday 14 December 2021.

A person making a submission is entitled to request in the submission that they wish to appear in person, or to be represented by a person specified in the submission, in support of the submission at the Hearing of Submissions Committee to be held at a date and time to be determined by Council, at Merri-bek Civic Centre, 90 Bell Street, Coburg.

Submissions quoting reference ROW/2019/7 should be addressed to Liz McDonald, Merri-bek City Council, Locked Bag 10, Merri-bek, 3058 or delivered to the Merri-bek Civic Centre, 90 Bell Street, Coburg or emailed to

All submissions will be considered in accordance with section 223 of the Local Government Act 1989.

Any person making a written submission is advised that all submissions and personal information in the submission will be handled by Council in accordance with the provisions of the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014.

Following the consideration of any submissions, Council may decide to discontinue and sell the road, part of the road, or not to discontinue the road.Enquiries to: Liz McDonald, Property Officer 9240 1111