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Have your say on our Draft Parking Management Policy

23 Oct 2023

Recently, we released our Draft Parking Management Policy—a document designed to guide how Council manages parking across Merri-bek. This policy helps us make decisions on introducing and changing parking restrictions, as well as issuing parking permits.

The aim of parking restrictions is to meet the needs of an area. For example, residents who live near a shopping strip might need restrictions to help them find parking closer to their home. Parking restrictions can also ensure cars don't park too close to a bend—impacting visibility and creating a dangerous environment. As our city grows, the demand for parking is a key issue facing our increasing population. And to address this, we’ve looking at how we do things, and we’d like to hear your thoughts and feedback.

We know that people who live, work and play in Merri-bek get frustrated if they can't find a car park—especially in areas that have experienced population growth. The purpose of this review is to update how we manage parking across Merri-bek ensuring we remain consistent, fair and transparent.

Our draft Parking Management Policy will set out the framework and decision-making principles for considering parking restrictions. Key changes we are consulting on with the community are:

  • Formalising some policies, including extending concession discounts and permit eligibility exemptions.
  • Revising permit options for organisations providing home care
  • Delegating some parking restriction authority to council officers for safety and operations purposes.
  • Locating car share bays in areas of demand to increase walkable access
  • Revising the consultation process on new car share bays, focusing on those most affected to identify potential issues.
  • Clarifying that most residents of newer multi-unit developments built after 2011, even where no subdivision has occurred, are not eligible for resident permits (exceptions apply for disability permit holders and smaller scale townhouse developments)
  • Consulting on permit options for businesses using tradespeople
  • Providing further guidance for decision-making on appeals

We are also Consulting on residential permits and if we should charge a fee or make the first permit free.

To have your say, or to read more about the Draft Parking Management Policy, head to the Conversations Merri-bek page.