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  • Brunswick West and Coburg: We are experiencing a delay in glass bin collections. Brunswick East and Fitzroy North: We are experiencing a delay in mixed recycling collections. Please leave your bin out on your kerb for collection by Saturday 14 September.

General rubbish bins

General rubbish bin collection

Your general rubbish bin is for household items that cannot be reused or recycled. It has a red or dark green lid.

We collect your general rubbish bin once a week on the same day as your food and garden organics, mixed recycling bin and glass recycling bin.

If you pay a waste charge on your rates you can use this service. You can find out more about the waste charge on our Understand your rates and waste charge page.

To find out when your general rubbish collection will be, enter your address below. 

For a printed waste collection calendar contact us on 9240 1111.

  • Put your bins out by 5:30am on your bin collection day. You can also put your bins out the night before.

    Put your bin on the kerb at the edge of your street. Make sure the bin is facing the street and that there are no objects within 30cm (such as a car, tree or another bin).

    Any waste left beside or on top of the bin will not be collected.

    If your street is a court or cul-de-sac, place your bins along the straight part of the kerb.

    Below are some diagrams that show this placement.

  • Make sure that you are putting the right items into your recycling bin and your food and garden organics bin. The items that belong in these bins should not go in your garbage bin.

    The following items also cannot go in your garbage bin:

    You can take some of the items above to a recycling centre or a detox your home site. Our Recycling A to Z page also has information on where you can dispose of a wide range of recyclable items.

  • Go to our bin repairs and replacements page for information about how to change your bin or get a new bin. This includes damaged bins, lost or stolen bins, changing the size of your bin or ordering a bin for your property.

  • If you have too much garbage to fit in your bin, you can wait until your bin is collected or you can take your excess waste to a transfer station. You can find out about nearby transfer stations on our waste and recycling locations page.

    We do not have a tip or landfill site in Merri-bek.

  • Our Residential Kerbside Waste Services booklet is about our kerbside waste services. This also has information about composting, hard waste, and local transfer stations.

    Our Waste Services in the City of Merri-bek brochure is about disposing of things that don't go in your bins.

    To request a printed copy you can call us on 9240 1111.

  • If your bin was not collected on your usual collection day, please visit our Missed bin collection page.

There is a waste management charge in your rates that covers garbage collection. You can find out more about this on our Understand your rates page. The charge also includes recycling, food and garden organics (FOGO) and hard waste collection.

You can find out more about how much waste we are collecting and which companies hold waste collection contracts with us, on our Council services data page.

Can I change the size of my general rubbish bin?

The available sizes for general rubbish are 80 litres (standard), 120 litres or 240 litres.

Households in Merri-bek are able to change to a larger or smaller garbage bin. Changing your garbage bin size will result in a change to your annual waste charge. You can learn more about your annual waste charge on our Understand your rates page. We include this change in your rates notice.

Before you request a larger garbage bin, please consider how you can reduce your household waste.

Shared bins at multi-unit developments and apartment sites

We provide shared bins for multi-unit and apartment sites across Merri-bek. These are for use by all residents at the site. Most shared garbage bins have 240 litres of capacity. They are 3 times larger than the standard 80 litre garbage bins. One shared bin has the capacity for 2 to 3 units.

There have been no changes to your general rubbish bin with the new 4-bin service. Go to our Bins at units, townhouses and apartments page for more information about how the changes will affect you.

  • To ensure that everyone at a site can effectively use shared bins you need to:

    • Store the bins in a central location so that everyone can access the bins
    • Agree who will take out the bins for collection and bring them in
    • Assess if the capacity of the different bins is meeting the requirements of the site. Discuss this with your owners corporation or body corporate
    • Ensure shared bins do not weigh more than 30kg and are not overfilled as we will not be able to collect them
  • To reduce the amount of general waste produced at your development you can:

Braille labels for bins

Braille labels for all 4 bins are available at no cost. Residents can collect them from our Customer Service Centre at 90 Bell Street, Coburg or call customer service on 9240 111 and we will mail them to you.

Commercial waste

Information about commercial waste can be found on our Waste for businesses page.