Reformed Residential Zones
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New Residential Zones for Merri-bek
On 30 April 2015, the Minister for Planning gazetted Amendment C153 to the Merri-bek Planning Scheme which introduces new residential zones for all residential land in the City of Merri-bek.
Download the:
The full suite of Amendment documents including maps can be downloaded from the following links below:
Gazetted Amendment Documents
- C153 Explanatory Report (DOC 156Kb)
- 32.07 Residential Growth Zone (DOC 287Kb)
- 32.07_1 Schedule 1 - Residential Growth Zone (DOC 51Kb)
- 32.08 General Residential Zone (DOC 256Kb)
- 32.08_1 Schedule 1 - General Residential Zone (DOC 50Kb)
- 32.09 Neighbourhood Residential Zone (DOC 281Kb)
- 32.09_1 Schedule 1 - Neighbourhood Residential Zone (DOC 51Kb)
- 22.01 Neighbourhood Character Local Planning Policy (DOC 128Kb)
- Moreland Tree Planting Manual for Residential Zones (DOC 166Kb)
- Residential Zone Map 1 (PDF 146Kb)
- Residential Zone Map 2 (PDF 369Kb)
- Residential Zone Map 3 (PDF 305Kb)
- Residential Zone Map 4 (PDF 242Kb)
- Residential Zone Map 5 (PDF 178Kb)
- Residential Zone Map 6 (PDF 243Kb)
- Residential Zone Map 7 (PDF 468Kb)
- Residential Zone Map 8 (PDF 355Kb)
- Residential Zone Map 9 (PDF 255Kb)
- Residential Zone Map 10 (PDF 294Kb)
- Residential Zone Map 11 (PDF 443Kb)
- Residential Zone Map 12 (PDF 287Kb)
- Residential Zone Map 13 (PDF 187Kb)
- Residential Zone Map 14 (PDF 365Kb)
- Residential Zone Map 15 (PDF 316Kb)
- 21.02 MSS Vision (PDF 1Mb)
- 21.03 MSS Strategic Framework (PDF 69Kb)
- 21.04 MSS Reference Documents (PDF 22Kb)
- 81.01 Incorporated Documents Schedule (PDF 40Kb)
Council resolved at its 10 December 2014 Council meeting to adopt Amendment C153 New Residential Zones and submit it to the Minister for Planning for approval.
The final version of the Residential Zones gazetted by the Minister for Planning differs from the zones submitted to the Minister for Planning in December 2014.
A list of changes between the zones adopted by Council and the final zones approved by the Minister for Planning is outlined for each zone below.
Neighbourhood Residential Zone (NRZ) - Low Density Residential Areas
The Minister has applied the NRZ to Merri-bek, however only one (1) Schedule has been approved (NRZ1). Merri-bek had proposed two (2) schedules to the NRZ: NRZ1 for Merri-bek's north; and NRZ2 for Merri-bek's south.
Minister’s approved Neighbourhood Residential Zone (NRZ):
- Removes Merri-bek’s proposed density provisions which allowed for development according to the lot size. Merri-bek’s proposed approach for NRZ1 included 3 or more dwellings on a lot should not exceed 1 dwelling per 250m2; and for NRZ2 - 3 or more dwellings on a lot should not exceed 1 dwelling per 200m2.
- Replaces Merri-bek's density requirements with a maximum 4 dwellings on a lot (regardless of lot size).
- Removes Merri-bek’s proposed increased requirements for secluded private open space. In the NRZ1 (Moreland’s north) this included a minimum secluded private open space area of 40m2. In the NRZ2 (Moreland’s south) this included setting the ResCode minimum private open space area of 25m2 as mandatory.
- Retains Merri-bek’s proposed discretionary requirement for “a minimum of one tree should be planted in the front setback and the secluded private open space of each dwelling, in accordance with the Merri-bek Tree Planting Manual for Residential Zones, 2014.”
General Residential Zone (GRZ) - Adjacent to Activity Centres and along main roads south of Merri-bek Rd and within 800m radius of Activity Centres north of Merri-bek Rd
Minister’s approved General Residential Zone (GRZ):
- Retains Merri-bek’s proposed discretionary requirement for “a minimum of one tree should be planted in the front setback, in accordance with the Merri-bek Tree Planting Manual for Residential Zones, 2014.”
- Removes Merri-bek’s proposed mandatory height controls 8 metres (2 storeys). This now reverts to the discretionary 9m of ResCode.
- Removes Merri-bek’s proposed private open space requirements for the size of a balcony where it is the only form of private open space provided (the proposed requirement was for a minimum 8 square metres with a minimum width of 2 metres).
Residential Growth Zone (RGZ) - in Activity Centres designated for growth
Minister has applied the RGZ to Merri-bek, however only one (1) schedule has been approved (RGZ1). Merri-bek had proposed two (2) schedules to the RGZ: RGZ1 - 4 storey areas; and RGZ2 - 3 storey areas.
Minister’s approved Residential Growth Zone (RGZ):
- Removes Merri-bek’s proposed mandatory height controls which were: RGZ1 (4 storeys) and RGZ2 (3 storeys). This now reverts to the discretionary 13.5m i.e. 4 storeys specified in the parent provision.
- Removes Merri-bek’s proposed discretionary 3m front setback (which was in both the RGZ1 and RGZ2).
- Removes Merri-bek’s proposed private open space requirements for balcony sizes where it is the only form of private open space (a minimum 8 square metres with a minimum width of 2 metres).
- Retains Merri-bek’s proposed discretionary requirement for “a minimum of one tree should be planted in the front setback, in accordance with the Merri-bek Tree Planting Manual for Residential Zones, 2014.”
To check which zone now applies to your property, please access Land Victoria.
Background to the application of the residential zones
Council adopted a suite of zone schedules at their meeting on 10 December 2014. View the Council Report (PDF 28Mb).
Council resolved at its 10 December 2014 Council meeting to adopt Amendment C153 New Residential Zones and submit it to the (new) Minister for Planning for approval.
This request followed public announcements prior to the recent state government election that Labor would review former Planning Minister Matthew Guy's decision on residential zones for Merri-bek. As a result of Council’s resolution, Amendment 153 was submitted to the Minister for Planning on 23 December 2014.
The final zone schedules submitted to the Minister were:
- 32.07_1 Residential Growth Zone Schedule 1 (DOC 63Kb)
- 32.07_2 Residential Growth Zone Schedule 2 (DOC 63Kb)
- 32.08_1 General Residential Zone Schedule 1 (DOC 63Kb)
- 32.09_1 Neighbourhood Residential Zone Schedule 1 (DOC 66Kb)
- 32.09-2 Neighbourhood Residential Zone Schedule 2 (DOC 66Kb)
Council's proposed zones were originally considered by the Residential Zones Standing Advisory Committee in May 2014. Relevant reports of the Committee are available for download below:
- Residential Zones (Stage One) Standing Advisory Committee Report (PDF 1Mb), and
- Overarching Issues Report - Stage 1 (PDF 3Mb)
It is recommended that the reports are read in conjunction.
Key dates
March 2015
Council endorsed amendment to be forwarded to the Residential Zones Standing Advisory Committee for review
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