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Development Contributions Plan

About Merri-bek's Development Contributions Plan (DCP)

The purpose of the Council's Development Contributions Plan (DCP) is to ensure the cost of providing local infrastructure includes a fair and reasonable contribution from land developers. Collected contributions help to fund the local infrastructure that services the needs of a changing population and local economy.

The DCP requires payment of a development infrastructure levy and/or a community infrastructure levy when land is being developed.

More information about calculating and paying DCP levies is on our Development Contributions page

The DCP lists development infrastructure projects, such as roads, drains, footpaths and streetscape works. Community infrastructure projects are also listed, such as child care centres, maternal and child health centres and neighbourhood houses. 

The Development Contributions Plan Overlay (DCPO) is the planning scheme tool Council is using, to require contributions towards the planned infrastructure that is listed in the DCP.

While Council rates cover the majority of the infrastructure works costs, the DCPO enables the appropriate contribution from land developers. In this way, the collected DCP levies help to fund the local infrastructure projects that will benefit our changing suburbs. 

Several planning scheme amendments have enabled the DCP, these include:

  1. The original DCP (PDF 4Mb) was introduced in 2015 by Amendment C133.
  2. In 2022, Amendment C215 established an updated DCP (PDF 851Kb) with a revised end date for the delivery of the infrastructure projects. 
  3. In 2023, Amendment C221 established an Addendum to the DCP for an updated infrastructure project list.

More information about these amendments is below.  

  • A DCP charge applies to all development requiring a planning permit.  However the following are exempt from the requirement to make contributions:

    • Non- government schools
    • Development that comprises renovations or alterations to an existing dwelling, demolition of a dwelling and replacement with a new dwelling and outbuildings and fences normal to a dwelling (the exemption does not apply to works associated with a second or subsequent dwellings on the same land); and
    • Reinstatement of a building which has been unintentionally damaged or destroyed, provided that the floor area of the new building is not greater than the damaged or destroyed building.
  • The amount to be paid depends on the location of the site and the development type proposed.

    Moreland has been broken down into 12 Charge Areas (generally by suburb). Each Charge Area has a different list of projects, and so the required payment for each area is different.

    In addition, there are three different development categories – residential, industrial and commercial. Residential development requires a community infrastructure payment as well as a development infrastructure payment. Industrial and commercial development only requires a development infrastructure payment.

    To calculate the cost you are required to pay, you need to identify the Charge Area in which the site is located, what type of development is proposed, and either the number of dwellings or the size of the commercial/ industrial floor area being proposed.

    The cost can then be calculated by referring to Schedule 1 to the DCPO which will be located at Clause 45.06 of the Merri-bek Planning Scheme.

    Link to Schedule 1 of Clause 45.06

  • An invoice for the DCP charge will be issued with your planning permit. You are required to pay the DCP charge prior to the issue of the building permit.

Amendment C221 - Updating the DCP's infrastructure project list

Amendment C221 was approved by the Victorian Government on 8 March 2023. Notice for this approval was published in the Victorian Government Gazette on 24 March 2023.

Amendment C221 adds to the DCP’s incorporated document with a new Addendum (5Mb) for an updated infrastructure projects list.  

The updated projects list retains various existing DCP infrastructure projects, removes some others and includes many new projects. 

This approach is ensuring the DCP’s updated infrastructure list is informed by Council’s 4-Year Budget 2022-2026 for its delivery. This budget was prepared after community engagement was done and was adopted on 23 June 2022.  

The DCP's existing contribution rates and pricing areas in the planning scheme are not affected by Amendment C221.

Goto the Amendment C221more page for more information or visit the Victorian Government's Planning website.

Amendment C215 - Changing the DCP's Incorporated Document

Amendment C215more was approved by the Minister for Planning on 22 March 2022 and came into operation on 14 April 2022, when the notice of approval was published in the Victorian Government Gazette.

You can view all the approved Amendment C215more documents on the Victorian Government's Planning website.

Amendment C215more changed the Incorporated Document 'Moreland Development Contribution Plan, January 2015', listed in the Schedule to Clause 72.04 Documents Incorporated of the Moreland (soon to be Merri-bek) Planning Scheme.

Specifically, the amendment amended text in section 7.3 'Funds Administration' (page 20) to extend the date by which projects funded via this DCP will be delivered, from 30 June 2023 to 30 June 2026.

The date for the Council to include conditions on planning permits, for requiring the payment of DCP levies, is unchanged.

Amendment C133 - Implementing the DCPO

Amendment C133 introduced the DCPO to the Moreland (soon to be Merri-bek) Planning Scheme, applying it to all the land within the municipality through its gazettal on 19 November 2015. 

You can view more information on Amendment C133 on the Victorian Government's Planning website.

Further information

For further information about the planning scheme amendment process, contact Council's Strategic Planning Unit by emailing or calling 9240 2422.

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