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Property information

Property information

We have many kinds of property information which can be useful if you are buying or renovating a property or building in Merri-bek.

Other government and private websites let you search and apply for certificates about property zones, utilities, land titles and maps.

For street numbering requests, visit our Street numbering requests page.

Land use zones and overlays

Visit Merri-bek Planning Scheme Online to get a free property report with the zones and overlays of a property.

Zones and overlays show how your land can be used and developed. Every property is zoned. A property only has one zone. A zone shows the preferred land uses in an area. The main types of zones are residential, business and industrial.

Some properties also have overlay controls. Overlay controls protect things like heritage or show areas that need special care, like areas that may flood.

Check the zone or overlay if you plan to buy a house or unit, develop land or renovate your property.

Planning property enquiry

A planning property enquiry provides you written advice from us about the planning controls that apply to a particular property.

We encourage prospective buyers of a property or business to obtain written advice on the planning approvals that have been obtained for land prior to buying a property or existing business.

Land Information Certificates

Give you information such as:

  • all current valuations on the property including Site Value, Capital Improved Value and the Net Annual Value
  • rates including arrears and interest, and
  • property debts.

Apply for a Land Information Certificate online, by form, or through other websites (see the section below, 'Title search, land and property search certificates').

Property Information Certificates

Property Information Certificates tell you the following information about a property:

  • Property Information Certificate (Part 1) Building permits issued in the last 10 years and any outstanding building notices or orders.
  • Property Information Certificate (Part 2) Whether the property is flood prone, termite prone or in an alpine area.
  • Property Information Certificate (Part 3) Building permits issued in the last 10 years and the date and type of inspection carried out for a building permit.
  • Property Information Certificate (Part 1 and 2) Building permits issued in the last 10 years, any outstanding building notices or orders, and whether the property is flood prone, termite prone or in an alpine area.
  • Property Information Certificate (Part 1 and 3) Building permits issued in the last 10 years, any outstanding building notices or orders, and the date and type of inspection carried out for a building permit.

Apply for a Property Information Certificate online, by form, or through other websites (see the section below, 'Title search, land and property search certificates').

Old building permits, building plans and documents

Council holds copies of any previous building permits, building plans and documents. You can request copies of previous building permits, building plans and documents for your residence or business within Merri-bek. This can be useful if you are doing renovations.

Who can request the plans or documents?

You need to be the owner or have written, signed authorisation from the owner to be able to request plans.

If you have recently purchased the property but settlement has NOT occurred,  you need written, signed authorisation from the current owner to be able to request plans.

If you are the agent of the owner or a lessee, you must provide written, signed authorisation from the owner of the property to make this application.

If the property is an apartment building, the Owners Corporation must request a copy of plans/documents. The Owners Corporation chairperson will need to provide evidence of their appointment with this request.

If the property is owned by a company, a copy of the company search listing the individual director seeking the information must be provided. This is available via the ASIC website

Apply for copy of old building plans or documents online.

A search fee, that is not refundable, applies for this application. The fee will not be refunded if the requested building permits, building plans and documents cannot be located, or in the case of a change of mind. If you contact us within 24-hours to advise that you made this application in error, you may be eligible for a refund.  For further information on applicable search fee, see building related fees.

Please note: This type of application only relates to obtaining copies of building permits, building plans and documents, or occupancy permits/certificates of final inspection. For old planning permits and endorsed plans, please refer below.

Copies of planning permits and endorsed plans

Council holds copies of planning permits and endorsed plans/documents. You can request copies of these planning permits and endorsed plans/documents for your residence or business within Merri-bek.

We recommend you first check online to see if information is available on our website. To view current planning applications and planning decisions see status of planning applications.

If the information you're seeking is not available on our website you canapply for a copy of a planning permit or endorsed plan online.

A search fee applies for Council to provide copies of a planning permit, endorsed plan, or endorsed document. The fee will not be refunded for change of mind or if the requested planning permit, endorsed plan or endorsed document cannot be located or do not exist. For further information on the applicable fee, see Planning related fees.  A maximum of one set of the most recent planning permit, endorsed plans and/or endorsed documents will be provided per application unless you request a copy of a specific permit in your application.

Title search, land and property search and certificates

Order these online at the:

Planning certificates

Get a planning certificate through Department of Transport, Planning and Local Infrastructure.

Planning certificates are official documents mainly used to satisfy the requirements of the Sale of Land Act 1962, under which the vendor of a property is required to provide details of the land zoning and any overlay controls or exhibited proposed amendments to the planning scheme.

Planning certificates do not show the locations of zone boundaries and additional site specific controls that may apply.

Other property reports

The Victorian Department of Land has property reports:

  • Free basic property report includes zone summary, utilities, council property number.
  • Detailed property report includes the above information, as well as dimensions and a diagram.
  • Free planning property report includes planing zones and overlays.
  • Free local government report includes population projections, median values of property sales, industries and jobs, income distribution, and suburb and town profile and datasheet.


View and print online maps from Victorian Department of Land. You can zoom to an individual property or see a street or area. The map can show you:

  • boundary lines between properties
  • property numbers
  • major residential redevelopment sites
  • aerial photography
  • industrial land
  • zones for land use
  • overlays, for example heritage overlay and floodway overlay, and
  • rivers, streams and bodies of water.