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Whilst there are no airports located within the City of Merri-bek, some areas of Merri-bek are impacted by airspace and noise from the surrounding Essendon Fields and Melbourne Airports.

Development proposals in Merri-bek are reviewed for any infringements of the protected airspace and referred to the airport operator where necessary.

Airport activity and Merri-bek

Melbourne Airport

Melbourne Airport is located approximately 6 kilometres north of Merri-bek in Tullamarine.  Melbourne Airport is governed by the Federal Government as it is located on Commonwealth land.

Further information about the Melbourne Airport can be found on the Melbourne Airport website.

Essendon Fields Airport

Essendon Fields Airport is located to the west of Merri-bek and is governed by the Federal Government as it is located on Commonwealth land.

Further information about the Essendon Fields Masterplan, Major Development Plans and other airport related projects can be found on the Essendon Fields website.

Noise Complaints

If you would like to register a complaint concerning airport operations, including noise, you can do so on the Australian Government’s Aviation Complaints website.

Melbourne Airport has released a prelimary draft master plan for comment that sets out the future development for the airport for the next 20 years.

At the same time, a development plan for a third runway (running north south) has also been released.

Please note: the plans are on public consultation until the 16 May 2022.

You can search your address to get information about flight noise in your area using the Noise Tool on the Melbourne Airport website.

You can learn more about the plans and keep updated on operations and projects, Melbourne Airport runway plans  on the Melbourne Airport community engagement website.