Home Library Service
On this page:
We offer free delivery of library material to people living in Merri-bek who are unable to visit us or have difficulties carrying items home due to ill health, frailty, or disability. We also visit nursing homes and other institutions.
Home visits
Please note: home visits are scheduled on a set day every four weeks
Our Home Library Service delivers requested titles in formats including:
- Fiction and non-fiction books
- Large print books
- Audiobooks
- Magazines
- Music compact discs
- Material in our community languages
- Free access to our eLibrary on our eLibrary page
Applying for a Home Library Service membership
Complete the Home Library Service Membership form (DOC 119Kb) to apply for a Home Library Service membership. You can email or mail the completed form to your local library using the details on our Visit or contact us on the library page.