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Information for parents and educators

We have a range of books, magazines and online resources to help you as a parent.

How to join the library

Your child can join the library at any age. Merri-bek Libraries requires a guarantor with proof of address to complete a membership for people under 18 years old. 

Join the library


Colour-coded children's books

The libraries have a range of books for children.

We have colour coded some of our children's books to make it easier for you to find what you are looking for as your child grows up.

Orange stripes: These are easy information picturebooks suitable for young children. Subject areas include: counting and alphabet, shapes, colours and art, animals, transport, places people live, all about people, festivals and food, space, maths, technology and environment

Green stripes: These are books that are suitable for children who are learning to read. There are a number of different series providing opportunities for exposure to lots of words.

Arrange a visit from a librarian or book a visit to the library

If you are a kindergarten or school in the Merri-bek municipality, you can have one visit from one of our library professionals.

We also welcome group visits to the library from schools, kinders and day-cares. Because we run activities at the library, we can allocate time slots for visits to ensure that you have space and a staff member is available. We can deliver information sessions, storytimes, STEAM, robotics and other presentations.

To book a day and time please use the form below to apply. 

Please note that we require a minimum four weeks' notice to facilitate an incursion or excursion.


Type of booking *


Type of session: *






Weekday / time preferences






Organiser details







You can borrow Practical parenting magazine and Mother and Baby magazine from the library. There are also a range of magazines available for children to borrow and read in the library.

Also check out Overdrive magazines for a range of titles that you can download for free.

Online resources


The government's eSafety website has information about cybersafety, illegal content and cyberbullying.

Council’s Child Safe Commitment

Merri-bek City Council is committed to being a Child Safe organisation and has zero tolerance for child abuse. We recognise our legal and moral responsibilities in keeping children and young people safe from harm and promoting their best interests.

We will develop and maintain targeted policies, procedures and training to support employees, volunteers and contractors to achieve these commitments. We create environments where all children and young people have a voice and are listened to, their views are respected and they contribute to how we plan for, design and develop our services and activities. Please see our Child Safety and Wellbeing page for more information.

All Council employees, volunteers and contractors have an obligation to report suspected cases of child abuse in accordance with Council Policies, Procedures and Guidelines.