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Get your L plates short course

🎯 Are you tired of relying on rides from your parents, friends, or public transport? It's time to take control of your journey and embrace the freedom of the open road. πŸŒŸπŸš—πŸ’¨

Our Get your L plates course supports young people to learn the road rules, study for the test & get their permit! The Road to Solo Handbook is what your Learners Permit test is based on. This book can be hard to read but this course will help you learn about the road rules and study for the test in a fun and interactive way.!

On the last day of the course, Merri-Bek Youth will transport participants out to VicRoads to take their test for FREE (that’s a saving of $46.80). Successful participants will receive their hardcopy permits.

πŸ‘ Monday 13, Tuesday 14, Wednesday 15 & Thursday 16 November

πŸ‘ 10 am - 2 pm

This program is a partnership between Merri-bek Youth, Vic Roads Changing Gears & the Department of Transport.

Suitable for

16 - 24s 


Merri-bek Youth
Steve Huf, Youth Community Outreach Worker
Mobile: 0478 461 666

Further information

This event is also listed on our Merri-bek Youth Facebook page.