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No Typewriters / No Talking @ Tempo September 2023

No Typewriters / No Talking invites you to our September session hosted in conjunction with our dear friends Tempo Rubato.


Tickets are essential, RSVP below.


Writers of any stage, genre, format, or style are invited to come work together for one hour in the solemn backdrop of Brunswick's best classical music venue. You can write with anything: biro on notepad, fingers on laptop, quill on vellum - just not a gosh darn typewriter. During the hour of writing there is no talking. Coming together for one hour of shared sustained silence is a simple ritual that will help us concentrate on the thing we want to do (but find many reasons not to), write.


What to expect - doors open at 7:00 pm and the bar at Tempo will be slinging drinks. Once you move into the writing space there is no talking. Silent writing will start at 7:30 pm and the doors will be locked from 7:45 pm.


What to bring:

  • Something to write with/on. It could be a biro on notepad, fingers on laptop, quill on vellum - anything you want, just not a gosh darn typewriter.


What not to bring:

  • Your typewriter - talking points, conversation topics, and/or a loquacious attitude.


What will be provided:

  • A table to rest your writing implements on, a chair to rest yourself on, water and various receptacles to hold said water, a prompt for you to write about (if you don't have anything you are currently working on).


Once the hour of writing is over, you can stay for a drink at Tempo to, you know, chat.


Got questions? Check out our website:


See you soon, the No Typewriters / No Talking Team.


No Typewriters / No Talking
Jackson Wood, Editor-in-Chief
Phone: n/a

Further information