Expenses and allowances

Here you can read about the support we give councillors to undertake their duties.

You can also find out about each councillor’s expenses.

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We provide councillors with resources and support. This is so they can serve, engage and act in the community’s best interests.

We may make available or pay for resources councillors need to carry out their role. Or we may reimburse claims for out-of-pocket expenses.

We have a policy that outlines the level of expense and resources support provided. We adopted a new Councillor Support and Expenses Policy in line with the new Local Government Act 2020.

We publish details of councillor expenses on our website every 3 months. Councillor expenses for the 2020-21 year were:


Councillor Total
Cr Natalie Abboud** $294.20
Cr Sue Bolton $699.18
Cr Annalivia Carli Hannan  $4,463.14
Cr James Conlan  $403.81 
Cr Helen Davidson $2,641.40
Cr Jess Dorney**  $294.20 
Cr Milad El-Halabi JP  $219.91
Cr Ali Irfanli**  $294.20 
Cr John Kavanagh**  $294.20 
Cr Dale Martin**  $294.20 
Cr Angelica Panopoulos  $3,355.89 
Cr Helen Pavlidis-Mihalakos  $2,856.54 
Cr Adam Pulford  $2,348.21 
Cr Mark Riley  $796.57
Cr Lambros Tapinos  $3,534.46
Cr Oscar Yildiz JP  $2,521.53

** Term as councillor concluded in October 2020 

You can download the Full expenses information (PDF 189KB) to see the expenses information across 6 categories.


Our mayor and councillors receive an allowance while performing their duties.

Council must review allowances under the Local Government Act 1989. This is until the Victorian Independent Remuneration Tribunal makes its first determination.

Council reviewed the mayor and councillor allowances before 30 June following the council election in October 2020. This was required by the Local Government Act 1989.

The Minister determined a 0% adjustment to allowances for all councils in October 2020. In reviewing its allowances, Council retained the allowances at the top of the range for a category 3 council. This was because of the complexity of the issues to be determined by Council and the significant expectations on councillors.

The allowances paid to our mayor and councillors are:


Allowance  Superannuation guarantee (9.5%)  Total 
Mayor  $100,434  $9,541 $109,473.06 
Councillors  $31,444 $2,987  $34,431.18 

You can find more about mayor and councillor expenses and our policy on the councillor conduct page of our website.



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