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Here you can download our full annual report or read more in a specific section.

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We have also divided the report into different sections. You can read any of them to find more detail about our performance during 2019-20. 

If you want to print any of our annual report, it will be easiest for you to print the relevant PDF section. If you use a Chrome browser, you can download a plug in to remove the navigation and optimise the page for printing.

You can download the following sections: 

 Mayor’s message 

 Chief Executive Officer’s report

 About Merri-bek and the challenges we face

 Highlights of the year 

 Financial overview

 Our services and how we were affected by COVID-19

 Moreland’s councillors 

 Council meetings and committees

 Councillor expenses and allowances 

 Councillor conduct and conflict of interest 

 Governance and management checklist 

 Our executive team and staff 

 Full report on our performance against our objectives 

 Report against Strategic objective 1: Connected community 

 Report against Strategic objective 2: Progressive city 

 Report against Strategic objective 3: Responsible city 

 Our full Performance Statement 

 Development contributions for 2019-20 

 Statutory information 

 Full Financial Report including simple summary 

If you have any questions about the annual report you can contact us.