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Here you can download our full annual report or read more in a specific section.
We have also divided the report into different sections. You can read any of them to find more detail about our performance during 2019-20.
If you want to print any of our annual report, it will be easiest for you to print the relevant PDF section. If you use a Chrome browser, you can download a plug in to remove the navigation and optimise the page for printing.
You can download the following sections:
Chief Executive Officer’s report
About Merri-bek and the challenges we face
Our services and how we were affected by COVID-19
Council meetings and committees
Councillor expenses and allowances
Councillor conduct and conflict of interest
Governance and management checklist
Full report on our performance against our objectives
Report against Strategic objective 1: Connected community
Report against Strategic objective 2: Progressive city
Report against Strategic objective 3: Responsible city
Our full Performance Statement
Development contributions for 2019-20
Full Financial Report including simple summary
If you have any questions about the annual report you can contact us.