Our goal here is to protect people’s health and the plants and animals of Merri-bek.

We will do this by responding now to the climate emergency.

We will also help improve our natural environment and help it recover.



Theme 1

What we will do

Zero carbon

We will cut carbon emissions from energy, transport and waste. We will do this in ways that are responsible, healthy and fair.

More trees

We will protect existing trees and plant more trees where they are needed the most.

Better access

We will provide better access to parks, playgrounds and facilities.

Open space

We will care for our open spaces and ecosystems, including waterways.

Zero waste

We will strive to send zero waste to landfill.

Food for all

We will develop a healthy and affordable local food system. We will support residents to eat nutritious food.

Theme 1: case study 1

Open spaces

Our population has increased by 34% in the last 15 years.

This has put pressure on our outdoor spaces.

Almost half of the people in Merri-bek (44%) now live in townhouses or apartments. They may have little or no access to their own outdoor space.

To tackle these challenges, we will review and put in place a new Merri-bek Open Space Strategy. We will make sure it works alongside our other plans for nature, water and tree planting.

We will set out a way for open space to be used that helps prioritise:

  • investment in new land and upgraded park facilities
  • playgrounds
  • dog parks
  • BMX and skate parks
  • fitness facilities
  • community and memorial gardens
  • nature walks.

We also want to make sure we prepare for flash flooding. Increased heat in built up areas – called the urban heat island effect – is another area we will focus on.

Theme 1: case study 2

Tackling waste

In 2020, the State Government announced changes to our waste and recycling system.

The government said a new 4-stream waste and recycling system will be rolled out in partnership with all councils. This is to:

  • reduce waste being sent to landfill
  • improve the quality of our recycling.

Councils have until 2027 to introduce a new glass service. They have until 2030 to introduce a food and garden organics (FOGO) service.

Moreland Council has a goal of sending zero waste to landfill by 2030. In 2021 we consulted with the community about waste collection options. This helped us design kerbside waste services that:
  • reduce waste overall
  • make the most of recycling and reuse opportunities
  • take into account the diverse needs of households in Merri-bek.

We will support the community to minimise waste. We will also work to create a circular economy. This is where products and materials are reused as much as possible.

Over the next 2 to 3 years, we will introduce changes to household waste services that:
  • support community initiatives and businesses
  • provide residents with information to help them make best use of the service
  • minimise the waste we create, keeping the cost to households as low as
  • possible
  • collaborate to influence markets
  • advocate for stronger policy on waste minimisation from state and/or federal governments.

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