Next steps
Here you can find out how we will put our plans in place. And check we are following them.
Now that we have a new council plan, we will write a list of detailed actions we will take.
This is so we can achieve what the plan sets out by 2025.
Putting the plan in place
We will develop an annual action plan each year. This plan will include important things we will do in that financial year.
Monitoring our performance
We will track our progress against the council plan in 2 ways.
Every 3 months we will check our progress against the actions in the annual plan.
Each year we will do a performance assessment. We will look at how we have performed in the strategic indicators in the plan.
Our review will also look at our progress on the health and wellbeing actions we need to take. If we need to, we will change what we are going to do, so we can deliver on our plans.
Reporting on our progress
We will report our progress every 3 months and then each year. We will share these reports with the community. We also must report to the State Government on our progress.
Each year we will produce an annual report. The State Government requires that all local councils report on their performance every year.
Our annual report will include:
- information on our progress on the actions
- our performance against the strategic indicators in the council plan
- our results against the mandatory Local Government Performance Reporting Framework. We must report against prescribed performance indicators from across 9 council services. These indicators are set by the State Government.
Parts of our annual report are audited by the Victorian Auditor-General’s Office (VAGO). These are the Performance Statement and Financial Statements. VAGO does these audits to ensure councils are transparent and accountable to parliament and the community.
We will review our health and wellbeing activity each year. This is required under the Health and Wellbeing Act 2008. We will report our progress against major health and wellbeing initiatives and priorities.
Find out more
You can see how we have done on the actions in our previous council plan in our Annual report for 2019-20.
We have reported on the actions of our Council Plan 2021-25 in our annual report for 2021-22. You can read the full report or visit the microsite.
Know Your Council also shares information about the performance of all Victorian councils.