Seed Library
On this page:
The Seed Library is a collection of seeds at the Glenroy Library. Members of Merri-bek Libraries are welcome to access the Seed Library and take home free seeds.
How does the Seed Library work?
Borrow – Library members browse the collection of seed packets and select their preferred seeds. Limit of 2 packets per family.
Plant – Take your seeds home, plant and watch them grow.
Harvest – After growing in your garden, harvest and collect some seeds.
Donate – Return seeds to the library staff to help build a collection of seeds for others.
Benefits of the Seed Library
- Sharing seeds strengthens plant biodiversity and food security for the local community.
- Growing from food from seeds is a great way to teach children about the life cycle of plants and gives an appreciation of where food comes from.
- Planting seeds increases gardening skills and provides opportunities to connect with other gardeners.