Wills for Yes: In conversation with Professor Marcia Langton AO
Do you have questions about the Voice to Parliament?
Learn about the history and current place of constitutional reform in Australia from Professor Marcia Langton AO.
Professor Marcia Langton AO, of the Yiman and Bidjara nations, is an Associate Provost and Foundation Chair of Australian Indigenous Studies at the University of Melbourne. Her academic expertise in anthropology and geography has led her significant contribution to research and policy work.
Langton is widely recognised as a major figure in Indigenous Australian rights and advocacy. She was a key contributor to the Royal Commission into Aboriginal Deaths in Custody (1989), and the Native Title Act (1993). In 1993, her extensive work in the field led to her receiving membership to the Order of Australia.
In 2023, Australia will be holding a referendum to amend the constitution instating a permanent Indigenous advisory body to parliament, with Langton appointed in 2019 as co-chair to the Senior Advisory Body over the design process.
Come and join us for a night of learning and reflection.
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