Preparing your summer garden
The forecast is for a hot summer; local horticulturalist and sustainable gardening expert Diana Cotter covers topics such as:
How heat and wind affect plants - how some plants have adapted to cope.
How to protect roots and soil with mulch, ground covers and other material.
Watering; when to water, how to apply and how much.
Providing for wildlife, water and cool habitats.
Q & A to follow.
Refreshments at 6.45 pm for a 7 pm start.
Registration essential
Please contact Coburg Library a week prior to the event if you have any access requirements for you to fully participate. The Coburg Library meeting room has an inbuilt hearing loop and a personal radio frequency (RF) hearing assistance system is available upon request.
Merri-bek Libraries
Merri-bek Libraries,
Merri-bek Libraries
Phone: 9353 4000