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Art Therapy for Children with Additional Needs

This course is designed to engage and enable children to participate in art activities that focus on free expression, group work and self awareness.

In Art therapy the emphasis is on participation and the "engagement", rather than aesthetic qualities. Participants will be able to express emotions using colour and texture and will use paint, crayon and other art materials. Designed for children with a variety of needs, sessions will be led by art therapist Kim Waters (AThR, B.Ed Post Grad, BA Fine Art).

Sessions commence 15th February 2023, for 6 weeks, every Wednesday from 4:30 - 5:30pm at De Carle St., Brunswick. Payment via NDIS plans are accepted. $295 NDIS / $200 non NDIS and Concession.

Bookings essential 9386 9418,



Brunswick Neighbourhood House
Rebecca Sanders, Assistant Manager
Phone: 9386 9418

Further information
Event document