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Project progress
  1. AuthorisationAuthorisation
  2. ExhibitionExhibition
  3. Consider public submissionsConsider public submissions
  4. Panel HearingPanel Hearing
  5. Panel ReportPanel Report
  6. Council decisionCouncil decision
  7. Submit to MinisterSubmit to Minister
  8. [[Final decision]] [[Final decision]]

About Amendment C219more

Amendment C219more proposed to remove the Specific Controls Overlay - Schedule 4 from 42 St Phillip Street, Brunswick East.

The Specific Controls Overlay - Schedule 4 limits the development of the land to one dwelling.

What does Amendment C219more do?

The Amendment makes the following changes to the Merri-bek Planning Scheme:

  • Amends Planning Scheme Map 15(SCO) to delete Specific Controls Overlay - Schedule 4 from 42 St Phillip Street, Brunswick East.
  • Amends the Schedule to Clause 45.12 - Specific Controls Overlay to delete reference to Specific Controls Overlay - Schedule 4.
  • Amends the Schedule to Clause 72.04 - Documents incorporated into this Scheme to delete the incorporated document: City of Merri-bek Residential Development at 42 St Phillips Street, Brunswick East, 23 May 2003.

Amendment C219more has been approved by the Minister of Planning and the changes are now in the Merri-bek Planning Scheme (Gazetted 29 June 2023).

Find out more

If you would like to find out more about Amendment C219more, please contact Strategic Planning by emailing or on 9240 1111.


Please be aware that we collect information from organisations and individuals during the planning scheme amendment process through submissions made to an Amendment. Submissions may be handwritten, electronic (both written and audio-visual), and often contain images, maps, and plans. Submissions frequently contain personal information which at times may be sensitive for commercial, health, or other reasons.

Natural justice and transparency are important parts of the Planning Scheme Amendment process. Council must make all submissions to an Amendment available for any person to inspect at its offices for a period of two months after the Amendment is finalised. This is a requirement of the Planning and Environment Act 1987. This includes all personal information such as names, address details, phone numbers email addresses. Your submission may also be emailed or posted to interested parties during the Planning Scheme amendment process.

We use submissions when assessing the Amendment and summaries of your submission are included in any Council report that considers the Amendment following the close of the exhibition. Your submission will also be used and disclosed in the public process of a Panel Hearing if one is required. Any submission forwarded to Planning Panels Victoria will be managed in accordance with their privacy policy.

Publication of Submissions on our website

We will make all submissions available to view online on its website during the Planning Scheme Amendment process. All submissions made available online will be redacted to remove personal names, telephone, and address details. Submissions will be removed from the website once the Amendment is finalised.

Use of your personal information

In accordance with the 'Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014 (VIC)' and 'Health Records Act 2001 (VIC)' the personal information submitted by you is being collected by Merri-bek City Council for the submission process and it will not be disclosed to any other external party without your consent, except as a requirement of the 'Planning and Environment Act 1987 (VIC)'. If we provide a copy of your submission to another person, we will provide a disclaimer that it is made available for the purpose of the planning scheme amendment process as set out in the Planning and Environment Act 1987 and that the information must not be used for any other purpose or distributed to another party or published online.

If you do not provide your name and address Council will not be able to consider your submission.

You can gain access to your personal information you have provided to Merri-bek City Council and if you wish to alter it, please contact Council’s Privacy Officer via telephone on 9240 1111 or e-mail at

You can find more information regarding privacy on our Privacy page.